You will find below two associations, one organization, and one agency that I have explored that foster the well-being of children, families, and the early childhood field as a whole. They have inspired my thinking not only about places I might like to work but also places where I could have a role in making a difference in the field of early childhood. These are all available in Memphis, TN.
Please click on the link in yellow to be directed to their website.
Both of these associations affiliates of the NAEYC- the National Association of the Education of the Young Child. As a resident of Memphis, TN I feel it is important to look at both of these associations as opportunities for employment and professional development opportunities. The Memphis association also includes surrounding counties such as the Lauderdale County where I am currently employed. There are many opportunities to advocate for young children, their families, and the field through these associations. Both organizations share in their mission statements to provide professionals with skills to enhance and improve knowledge of professionals in the field through collaborative efforts. It is their hope that this will improve the education opportunities for young children. I chose these associations because I could see myself serving on the board for one of these associations to advocate, educate, and actively participate with professionals to improve the field of early childhood.
The Urban Child Institute of Memphis actively seeks out hands-on projects and initiatives to improve the lives of children in Memphis. The organization partners with the community through many different avenues, UT medical, partnering with parents to increase reading and literacy awareness with children, etc. They use data-driven research to approach the issues and increase awareness of development in children 0-3. This organization interests me and is one that I will look further at getting involved in. Most of their work is through volunteers, and all members of the community are encouraged to participate. I chose this institute because it is one of few that increases awareness of development in children from 0-3, and in an urban area such as Memphis. There needs to be more awareness of this critical time of development in a child's life, and as an educator I feel driven to educate others in this area.
This agency/school district is being developed at the present time into one consolidated school system. It is the merger between Shelby County Schools and Memphis City Schools. The unified school district will take affect on July 1, 2013. They are currently accepting applications, but following the completion of the application if the candidate is selected they are entered into a teacher pool. Their mission is currently to provide staff with the resources they need to help children succeed. Many things are changes with the school district and are in the process of being developed. A name as not been decided for the new district yer and many new positions such as a possible pre-kindergarten director have not be opened for external applicants. There are only teacher, librarian, and guidance positions available to date. I chose this agency because I currently work an hour from home and this would put me much closer to family. I am not looking to move but I am interested to know what the schools are like where I live. I have helped build the pre-k program in Lauderdale County and I feel that it is truly a success. Our former superintendent is now at the state level, over special education and prekindergarten among other things. I don't know that I am ready to take on such a challenging task as a new unified school districts pre-k program, but as an educator and resident it is important to be to be in the know about the program here in Memphis. Also, job advancement opportunities that may come available. These will also perhaps open up in the district I currently teach at in Lauderdale County.
Skills and Experience Necessary
In order to work with the TAEYC or the MAEYC I would need to be an educator in the state of TN or for the MAEYC I would need to be in one of the counties it covers. I am currently a member and in order to gain a position in the association I would need to first become much more actively involved than I am able currently able too. I would also need to express my want and desire to hold a position in the association to the board and stakeholders associated with the associations.
The Urban Child Institute mostly enlist volunteers through outside organization such as schools. As an educator this institute is a great community and parent resource that I will be involved in, in any way that I can. The healthier our children are and the more involved our parents are gives students a better chance for academic success.
Although, I am not currently looking to move from my current position or district. The new unified school district for Memphis and Shelby County is accepting applications. You must provide a resume and proof of highly qualified status. The page that states what that proof looks like was unavailable at the time of my search. This was of interest to me and whether or not a new director for their pre-kindergarten program will be hired is also interesting to me. I will be continue to check for this an listen for this position in our local news. There have been no decisions on leadership positions for this new district at this time. Currently the superintendent is an interim that as of today may be looking for a buyout for his contract. This will be interesting to watch unfold and how children and families could be affected. At present I believe receiving a master's in early childhood leadership, management, and administration should qualify me for the director position along with my eight years experience as a lead pre-kindergarten teacher. I will have to wait and see what the qualifications for a position in this district will entail. Unified Schools Application Process
Ginny, great post, those allsound like good jobs. I feel a lot like you stated in your post, the jobs available are intersting but Im happy where I am. Good luck, in this class and in future job searches.